ТДВ «Первомайськдизельмаш»
Center for Army, Conversion and Disarmament Studies
The Center for Army, Conversion and Disarmament Studies (hereinafter referred to as CACDS) was established in 1999 as a non-governmental think-tank organization, with a mission to promote the development and expansion of democracy in Ukraine, by way of distributing best practice information on public control of the security sector.
Established as a voluntary association of experts on disarmament and armament (rearmament) of regional armed forces, security sector reform, defense industry and Ukraine’s performance on the international arms market, the CACDS often deals with the subject of civil-military relations and civilian control of the security sector, as well as the development of the defense and dual-use technology industry in Ukraine. The CACDS experts are actively engaged in research on Ukraine’s participation in the international regimes for control of arms and critical technologies.
In 2011, the CACDS became a founder of the News & Consulting Company “Defense Express” (previously known as the “Defense Express News Agency”). Since 2001, the CACDS has cooperated with the “Defense Express” NCC in research programs and the publication of the journal “Arms Export and Defense- Industrial Complex of Ukraine”.
The Center for Army, Conversion and Disarmament Studies:
n Conducts research on the pace, priorities and consequences of the security sector reform in Ukraine; cooperates with institutions of the security sector in Ukraine;
n Conducts research on the tendencies and outlook of the Ukrainian defense industry transformation;
n Conducts continuous monitoring and analysis of the export/import of armaments, dual-use products and sensitive technologies on the post Soviet expanse as well as their proliferation globally;
n Publishes books and materials on CACDS research, particularly by translating most interesting works of foreign think tanks;
n Takes part in joint projects with international and domestic non-governmental organizations dealing with the subjects of disarmament and security sector activities or otherwise promoting democratization of the society;
n Interacts with relevant ministries, government institutions and domestic companies dealing with the security sector development (reform); provides them with comprehensive information support, expert assessments and recommendations;
n Distributes materials on special academic conferences hosted by government institutions, as well as meetings and reports by counterpart non-governmental entities dealing with similar subjects.
The CACDS’ action priorities over the past five years include:
The CACDS conducts its research exclusively by means of a multi-factor analysis of open-source information, including media reports, official and expert statements, conferences, international exhibitions and forums.
The CACDS since foundation has organized and participated in several international conferences and roundtable meetings, and delegated its representatives to speak at international security and defense forums in Europe, the U.S.A. and the Russian Federation. CACDS experts publish regular articles, research materials and books.
In 2004, the CACDS, in conjunction with Defense Express and VAB-Bank (formerly known and VABank) published “Cult. Ukrainian arms trading business” – the first book on the domestic arms export business ever published in Ukraine.
In 2006, the CACDS, in conjunction with Defense Express and the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences’ Institute of Computerized Systems, published the inaugural edition of a national review of defense and dual-use technologies titled “Technosila”.
In 2008, the CACDS, in conjunction with Defense Express, conducted and published the first national research into the potentials for Ukraine-China cooperation in military technology, titled “Ukraine-China; from Projects towards Strategic Partnership”.
In 2010, the CACDS, in conjunction with Defense Express, published a research on the Ukrainian defense industry’s capabilities, titled “The Ukrainian DIC – a Driving Force for the National Economy”.
In 2011, the CACDS, in conjunction with Defense Express, published a compendium on future technologies for defense and dual uses, titled “Ukrainian Arsenal. Modern Defense & Dual-Use Equipment”.
In 2012, the CACDS and the NATO Information and Documentation Center in Kyiv conducted and published a joint research titled “Integrity Building and Reducing Corruption in Defense Institutions: Ukrainian Experience”.
Also in 2012, the CACDS and the Geneva Centre for the Democratic Control of Armed Forces published a joint research on the “Challenges Facing Arms Export Control in Ukraine and the Russain Federation”.
In 2013, the CACDS, assisted by Defense Express analysts and non-staff experts from Ukraine and the Russian Federation, conducted and published a research on the pace and quality of military rearmament programs in selected Central and Eastern European countries, as well as some aspects of the Ukrainian Armed Forces rearmament related to specific features of the Ukrainian military reform, titled “The Specifics of the Armed Forces and Defense Industry Reforms in Central and Eastern European Countries. Lessons for Ukraine”.